How to — publish to Apple store
- Apple Developer Account
- Certificates
- Profiles
- App Store Connect
- Submit an App
Open Xcode and generate an apple distribution certificate.

After successfully generate, you will see that in the apple developer account and also on mac keychains.

Then go to the Apple developer account to create a profile for distribution. You need this type of profile for Apple Connect.

Now go to Apple Connect and create a new application. Fill in the required information.

Fill in the information for the application, thank for the tutor on

Select the free app option

Adding the screens, the icon will be added from Xcode, in the later step.

Need more information for the application review.

Time for Xcode, first of all, selecting your signing, then press build.

Then select all generic devices in order to make an Archive.

You need to validate the archive.

Make sure the profile has no error.

Now you can able to distribute the application to Apple Connect.

You are done, but not finished yet.

Go back to Apple Connect. You need to select the build, then press the submit button for reviewing.

This is a final step, the left you need to wait for the feedback from Apple review. Normally, they will send the email to you.

After 2 days, or depend on the review process, you can get a notification.